No more Great Indian Bustard in Andhra Pradesh The Great Indian Bustard (GIB), a critically endangered bird, whose future appears increasingly bleak even in its ‘stronghold’ in the Desert National Park in Rajasthan where individual birds have been dying regularly after coming into contact with overhead power lines, is feared to have disappeared from Andhra Pradesh where the bird was living on an extended lease of life. The last sighting of a Great Indian Bustard in Andhra Pradesh was outside of the Rollapadu wildlife sanctuary, a small patch of about 10 sq km, in Kurnool district. In the last three years, there has only been sporadic sighting of the bustard in and around Rollapadu. 👉 Deccan Chronical Residents oppose three infrastructure projects at Vetal Tekdi: Maharashtra 1,000 people gathered at Vetal Tekdi (hills) early Sunday morning, expressing concern against Pune Municipal Corporation’s (PMC’s) plan of developing roads and tunnels through the hill, located in the western...
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